Thursday, March 22, 2018


Since our project has a creepy tone I want to have a dark tint over the film and turn down the saturation. I’m thinking we can kind of have a blue hue to our film and turning down the saturation to make it look washed out and creepy. I have a program on my laptop called Magic Bullet Looks that allows you to add different colorings to projects and I think it’ll be very useful for our film. The Netflix show, Ozark, has a blue tint to the coloring and I really enjoy how it looks, so that’s kind of an example of how I want our film to look. I also want to have some dark lighting in our film to make it look ominous and creepy. I’m thinking we can have a couple scenes with lowkey lighting to show the danger of our main character. Below are examples from the show Ozark and examples of lowkey lighting.

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